Your Pet and Your Vet

5 Benefits of Neutering Your Puppy: Why Is It Important?

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Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exhilarating experience. Puppies are adorable, affectionate, and brimming with boundless energy. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that they demand an abundance of time, care, and attention. As a responsible dog owner, one of the most pivotal decisions you’ll face is whether to have your puppy neutered. Neutering entails the surgical removal of a male dog’s testicles and is a widely practiced technique within the realm of pet healthcare. Read More»

Three Things You Need To Do After Getting Your Kitten Spayed

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If you’re about to welcome a new kitten into your home, you’re undoubtedly anticipating you and your feline friend spending many happy years together. Naturally, you intend on providing your new kitten with everything it needs in order to thrive — good quality cat food, vaccinations against common feline diseases, and protection from dogs and other possible predators. You’ll probably also be following in the footsteps of other responsible pet owners and having your kitten spayed before it’s about six months old — if you wait any longer, you run the risk of ending up with a kitten having kittens, especially if your cat has access to the outdoors. Read More»

How To Avoid An Avian Emergency: 5 Dos And Don'ts Every New Bird Owner Should Know

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If you are a first-time parrot owner (or new owner of any avian species), you need to be aware of the hazards that could land your new feathered friend in the pet hospital. Unfortunately, many first-time bird owners are unaware of certain household dangers that could make their pets seriously ill, as well as other issues that commonly affect pet birds. Avian care differs greatly from that of pet dogs and cats. Read More»

Tick Borne Diseases To Be On The Lookout For

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If you are like many pet owners, as the summer season rolls around, your pet will spend more time outdoors. Most pets love the fresh air, as well as the increase in the ability to exercise that summer brings. Unfortunately, your pets are not the only ones who will be outside. Summer is also the height of tick season. Not only are ticks a nasty nuisance whose goal is to get a free meal off of your pet’s blood, but they may also spread some pretty serious diseases to both you and your pet. Read More»